Thursday, June 12, 2008

13th June 2008 - Long March - A Historic turnaround

For the very first time in the history of Islamabad city, a huge turnaround is expected which includes civil society & political parties to join the rally with lawyers in struggle of restoration of judges. It was March 9, 2007 when Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry was asked to step down but against all the odds he denied. This "NO" results in high uprise in the form of lawyers and political parties movement against the most powerful person in Pakistan political scene i.e "Gen. Pervez Musharraf"- Since than series of incident occured including an open trial against CJ reference, return of chief justice followed by bold decisions and than again removal of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry after november 3 emergency by Gen Pervaiz Musharraf. After 9 March, Pakistan situation has gone from bad to worst. Whole scenario is rapidly changing in Pakistan's politics with lots of uncertainty but still i am very optimistic and consider few things are going positive for Pakistan. After a very long period of time, we see a clear stand by judiciary, political parties, media & civil society against dictatorship. Civil society with lawyers has also gain the street power to protest against the restoration of judges. Tomorrow a big show of strength is expected in front of Parliament house with prediction of more than 100,000 peoples to join. I would request everyone to join this historical long march, because if someone has taken the clear stance against dictatorship than its our duty to fully support them for the betterment of Pakistan and i can assure such chances for a Nation don't come again and again- Its a make and break situation of a country.

Time is asking us to PLAY our part ...... Lets Join Hands in making our country strong & prosper

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Valentine's Day in Pakistan

Valentine's day is celebrated on 14th Feb every year around the world. It is a traditional day when lovers express their love, affection to their loved ones by exchanging love cards, presenting flowers, chocolates and other gifts. Now coming to Pakistan as how we as a nation and individuals are celebrating. I have noticed that since year 2000 the popularity graph in Pakistan regarding the valentines day has been increased tremendously. This could be one of the reason of soft policies and encouragement of such events on government level. But this doesn't mean that I am only criticizing government, because it is the response of the people which make this day very special. This year 2008, valentines day was celebrated with great excitement, mostly popular among young boys and girls from colleges, universities as they go for dating in different places which was regretful for me and I condemn. Even different programs shown on television including Dramas, musical concerts and dances were totally disgraceful and vulgar . Compared to other western channel I don't see such enthusiasm in other channels as our Pakistani channels showed on 14 Feb. This mean we are more eager and excited about this event and making this day more popular through media to our audience. Lots of people would call me as a person with extreme views and they will consider this as entertainment. Pakistan needs a healthy entertainment not projection of such crap events. According to our cultural and religious values this look very unethical. At the same time on government level several functions were organized which directly promotes this event. Often I get very stucked that as a nation where we stand? We can be termed as “ Confused Nation”- because we are neither promoting our values, ethics neither we are fully going away from our culture- just standing in the middle- no where. I am not a person with extreme views, but I am in strong favor of adopting our values and by westernizing we are loosing our identity. We should celebrate our national events with great involvement and events like Valentines day which are against our cultural values should be discouraged.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

SpringField Bagh AJK tragedy in 2005 EarthQuake - An Appeal from the Generous People of the World

It was morning 8:52 when an earthquake with the intensity of 7.8 on Richter scale shook entire Pakistan which cause thousands of causalities. One of the victim was Springfield School & College as the students and teachers were totally unaware of what is going to happen after a while. A disastrous earthquake shook the lands of Bagh and the Spring Field was destroyed. The class rooms were turned into the graveyard of the innocent flowers of the spring. All this happened just within a few seconds. The cheerful voices of the children were buried under the rubble. Around 350 students and 6 teachers were martyred in this tragedy. Both of the campuses were totally demolished. Sciences and Computer laboratories, Library and all the educational materials were destroyed.

The Services of Spring on National Level: 1. Around 1000 students are being provided education and training. 2. The needy, poor and orphans are being educated totally free. 3. More than 45 staff (male & female) are being provided with respectable jobs. 4. A huge number of students from Spring Field are entering into Medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Cadet Colleges and in Army every year. 5. A number of passed out students from Spring Field are serving the nation with enthusiasm in different public sectors.
The Requirements of the Institute: Spring Field still requires the following things to be done;

1. The Repairing & Reconstruction of the Building

2. The Shortage of Area

3. Science, Computer Lab and Library

4. Furniture

5. Teachers Training:

Estimated Budget:

1. Repairing and Construction 70 Lac Rupees
2. Purchasing of Land 75 Lac Rupees
3. Science/Computer Lab & Library 10 Lac Rupees
4. Training/Furniture etc 06 Lac Rupees
Total Amount 1 Crore & 51 Lac Rupees

For Donation:

Muhammad Khalid Khokhar
Spring Field Children Academy
School & College Bagh,
Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Habib Bank Limited (Bagh Branch AJK)
Account Number: 400135-20

Phone: +92 58720 44300, +92 58720 42404
Cell: +92 333 4949182

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Muzaffarabad AJK

Muzaffarabad is the capital of Azad Kashmir (AJK). It is located in Muzaffarabad District on the banks of the Jhelum and Neelum rivers, is very hilly. The district is bounded by North-West Frontier Province in the west, by the Kupwara and Baramulla districts of Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir in the east, and the Federally Administered Northern Areas in the north. There are two historical forts on opposite sides of the Neelum River; Red Fort and Black Fort
Valleys of Muzaffarabad
Pirchinassi: Pirchinassi is a large mountain located on the west of Muzaffarabad city overlooking vast expanses of Kashmir. The mountain peak has gained large fame for its ziyarat of a famous Pir. This place is also visited by tourists who can get a great view of Muzaffarabad and rural areas around the hidden city.Pirchinassi's altitude is 3110 m, and it is located 32 km east of Muzaffarabad

Other valleys are Neelum Valley,Athmuqam,Neelum,Sharda,Kel,Jhelum Valley,Leepa Valley

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pakistan-India Friendship

Its been a long time that Pakistanies and Indians are divided, they have even fought wars due to numerous issues. From last 60 years we have tried everything and also realized that fighting wont do anything good us and for the coming generation. So why don't for the very first time we should try for "Dosti"- Mistakes have been done from both sides and this is the right time to forget our past and lets begin a long term relation of Friendship. I have noticed that instead of conflicts between Pakistan & India, still majority of the people from both sides really wanted to have good relations.I have lots of friends from India who always support a strong bonding between the people from both countries. we should not wait for our governments to make a favorable atmosphere, but inviduals should initiate for a healthy and a long term relationship.

Pak-Indo Dosti Zindabad!

Rawalakot Azad Kashmir

It is one of the most beautifull city of kashmir. With its breathtaking view and enchanting waterfalls, it is truely a paradise on earth.
Rawalakot, the district headquarter, is situated in the heart of district Poonch. The altitude of this beautiful saucer-shaped valley is 1615 meters. Situated at a distance of 76 kilometers from Kohalla, it is also linked with Rawalpindi/Islamabad via Azad Pattan and Dhalkot and with Muzaffarabad via Kohalla by black top roads.

Surrounding villages include Topa Soon aka Soon Topa or just Topa, Kaimon, Thithrot, Motialmara, Trar Dewan,Chare, Chuck, Tranni, Dahmni, Pothi Bala/Makwalan, Kharek, Dreak, Banjosa, Hussainkot, Hurnamaira, Bhalgran, Rehara, Tain, and Pachiot. Bagh District lies to the north and Sudhnuti District lies to the south of Rawalakot. The road passing through (Jalooth)Paniola connects Rawalakot to Bagh And Muzaffarabad.

The main tribe of Rawalakot are the Sudhan tribe

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Azad Jammu & Kashmir

The Azad State of Jammu and KashmirUrdu: (اسلامی جمھوریۃ آزاد کشمیر), usually shortened to Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) or, simply, Azad Kashmir (literally, free Kashmir), is the southernmost political entity of the Pakistani-controlled part of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. It covers an area of 13,297 km² (5,134 mi²), with its capital at Muzaffarabad, and has an estimated population of about four million.

Pakistan continues to regard the entire area of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir as "territory in dispute" to be resolved by a plebiscite to be held throughout the former state, in order to determine the area's accession to either India or Pakistan. In 1950, the government of India, ignoring a United Nations resolution on Kashmir, abandoned its pledge to hold a plebiscite. The government of Pakistan, while continuing to call for a plebiscite, has, so far, been unwilling to entertain the idea of a third option for that plebiscite, i.e., the choice of independence for the entire former state.

The state's financial matters, i.e., budget and tax affairs, are dealt with by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council, instead of by Pakistan's Central Board of Revenue. The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council is a supreme body consisting of 11 members, six from the government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and five from the government of Pakistan. Its chairman/chief executive is the president of Pakistan. Other members of the council are Azad Kashmir's own president and prime minister and a few other AJK ministers.

(Note that Azad Jammu and Kashmir has its own president, prime minister, legislative assembly, high court, and official flag.)